Golang series: Chapter one - Installation
Jun 2, 2024
Hey everyone, this is the first tutorial series in my blog. We will learn golang, or simply called Go. For follow this tutorial series you just will need a computer running Windows, mac or linux (any linux). Because Go is a general purpose and multi platform language. Also Go is...
GloboTechCast EP 54 - Hacktoberfest na Globo. Como funciona?
Oct 2, 2023
english: In this episode i've participated together with people from tech area from Globo and we have spoken about Globo Hacktoberfest, one variation of global Hacktoberfest event. portuguese: Neste episódio eu participei junto de outras pessoas da área de tecnologia na globo e falamos sobre o Hacktoberfest Globo, uma vertente...